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CIA Field Expedient Incendiaries

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CIA Field Expedient Incendiaries

CIA Field Expedient - Incendiary Manual

Clear illustrations and tests that cover all areas of improvised incendiary devices. Divided into three main headings: Incendiaries, Igniters & Delays. Contains tables listing the names, characteristics, and sources of all the materials described as well as common off the shelf sources of otherwise hard to find items. 81/2"x11" soft cover, 63 pp.

ArtNr: 00088

 00088CIA Field Expedient IncendiariesCHF 83.00

Nach oben 09.03.2023 / 17:49:28

Per-Tec Trade

Jürg Meier
Aebifeld 21
3208 Gurbrü

Fon: +41 76 563 93 06
