per-tec trade

David Clark H10-76 Military Headset

David Clark H10-76 Military Headset

David Clark H10-76 Military Headset  David Clark H10-76 Military Headset 

Die Bestellung erfolgt via PayPal, Kreditkarte oder per Vorauskasse


David Clark H10-76 Military Headset

Standard headset of the U.S. Air Force, NATO and most airborne command centers.
AWAC's, under command of NATO and the United States, use the H10-76 both in the cockpit and the communication operations.
Headset of choice of M.A.T.S. pilots.
Also used in ground support operations.

NSN 5965-01-390-9240

ArtNr: 02698

 02698David Clark H10-76 Military HeadsetCHF 660.00

Nach oben 09.03.2023 / 17:49:28

Per-Tec Trade

Jürg Meier
Aebifeld 21
3208 Gurbrü

Fon: +41 76 563 93 06
