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Tactical Communications Manual for SWAT Operations
by Tony L. Jones
In today's high-tech world, technology often breeds an overreliance on a specific system, as is the case when SWAT teams depend too heavily on radio communications, which can and do fail. In this book, Tony Jones, a tactical/security consultant with years of experience in SWAT team leadership and training, presents a wide variety of communications methods that SWAT teams can utilize during a tactical operation. Following an in-depth discussion of radio operating procedure and equipment, Jones offers detailed instruction in the effective use of hand and arm signals, telephones, pyrotechnics, light signals, messengers and more. In addition, he examines the advantages and drawbacks of each method, as well as how its strengths can be exploited and its inherent weaknesses avoided. SWAT operations are hazardous enough without conceding a measure of lost control due to a breakdown in communications. By training in the methods outlined in this manual, SWAT organizations can ensure the kind of clear, secure and accurate communications that will enable them to operate effectively in teams and are critical to any mission's success. 5 1/2 x 8 1/2, softcover, photos, illus., 144 pp.

ArtNr: 02429

 02429SWATCOMCHF 39.10

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Nach oben 09.03.2023 / 17:49:28

Per-Tec Trade

Jürg Meier
Aebifeld 21
3208 Gurbrü

Fon: +41 76 563 93 06
