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Silenth Death

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Silenth Death

Silent Death
Poisons and the art of killing with stealth are part of humanity's folklore and heritage, and in this homcidal manifesto, master chemist Uncle Fester has turned his attentions to the venomeousness that Homo Sapiens have wrought,..and how these toxic substances are gathered, synthesized, and put to use. From natural poisons to the newest in chemical warfare are talked about in these pages. 5" x8", 138 pgs, & softcvr.

ArtNr: 00581

 00581Silenth DeathCHF 75.65

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Nach oben 09.03.2023 / 17:49:28

Per-Tec Trade

Jürg Meier
Aebifeld 21
3208 Gurbrü

Fon: +41 76 563 93 06
