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101 Weapons for Women

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101 Weapons for Women

by Rodney R. Rice
Studies show that women are three times more fearful of crime than men, and their fear is well founded. According to the FBI, one rape occurs every six minutes, and one in three women will be assaulted during her lifetime.

So what can a woman who suddenly finds herself the victim of a criminal assault really do to stop it? This book reveals how women are actually armed at all times, and how they can use improvised weapons to fend off would-be assailants. More than 200 action photos depict the most shocking and effective attack deterrents ever shown in print, some of which could be considered deadly. 5 1/2 x 8 1/2, softcover, photos, 128 pp., N.D.

ArtNr: 00124

 00124101 Weapons for WomenCHF 37.00

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Nach oben 09.03.2023 / 17:49:28

Per-Tec Trade

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